When you choose an independent physician, you’re choosing a physician who is free to choose the highest quality and most affordable options for your care. As members of the Independent Doctors of Idaho (IDID) we believe patients should remain free to explore the best, most affordable, and personal healthcare choices for themselves – free of the administrative bureaucracy and inefficiencies of large hospital systems which commonly employ a “one-size fits all” philosophy.

Big Hospital Culture Affects Physician Productivity
Contrary to marketing claims, giant medical corporations in Idaho do not necessarily employ the “best” providers, do not provide cost savings for your personal medical care, and most importantly do not always provide the “quality” patients are seeking with personal healthcare. Take a look at the data from Blue Cross comparing clinical outcomes, patient satisfaction and total cost for an episode of care shown here;
Freedom to Choose What’s Best For You
As independent physicians, we have the freedom to diagnose and treat without a hospital system that would attempt to come between our patients and us. We believe it is essential that doctors and their patients should be allowed the freedom to choose the highest quality and most affordable options for their care. Keeping our patients healthy and out of the hospital is our ultimate goal.
Is Your Doctor Independent?
IDID (Independent Doctors of Idaho) is a new and growing organization which is continuing to add doctors and practices regularly. If you prefer to see a doctor who is independent … Look for the IDID sticker in your doctor’s window, or ask your doctor if he or she is independent.
Doctors and Practices
An unprecedented number of physicians in the Treasure Valley and throughout Idaho are becoming employed by large hospital systems. New government regulation of medical practices and the resulting financial unknowns are driving this change. It is estimated by next year that 50% of U.S. doctors will be working for a hospital health system as an employee.
“That is why we, the independent physicians (those not employed by hospital systems) throughout the Treasure Valley, have organized “Independent Doctors of Idaho”, IDID for short.”
According to a recent Wall Street Journal Article entitled, “The Doctor Won’t See You Now. He’s Clocked Out,” physicians change their behavior once they work for hospitals. They often see fewer patients and perform fewer timely procedures. Continuity of Care declines, and doctors have reduced incentives to cover weekend calls, see emergency patients, squeeze in an office visit, or take phone calls rather than turning them to nurses. As physician productivity falls due to big hospital culture, the practice of medicine becomes more and more expensive.
At The Shoulder Clinic of Idaho we believe in providing timely, economical, comprehensive care and management of shoulder problems in a friendly, patient-centered, personalized environment. We take great pride in being the first practice in Idaho devoted exclusively to patients with shoulder and elbow problems. And we look forward to partnering with you to provide the most up-to-date, evidence-based, patient-focused care possible.